Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Your Favorite Citizen TV ACTYRESS DUMPED By his Lover

Citizen TV's Wanjiku Mburu better known as Mama Baha is single (don't know whether she is ready to mingle) after being dumped by his lover Daddie Marto. The two who hve been dating for a long time now decided to call it quits and updated their facebook status of their current status (no pun intended). Here are some of the tweets the two have been exchanging on social media.

In life, 'Goodbyes' are a gift.

When certain people walk away from you, and certain opportunities close their doors on you, there is no need to hold onto them or pray to keep them present in your life.
If they close you out, take it as a direct indication that these people, circumstances and opportunities are not part of the plan for the next step of your life. It’s a hint that your personal growth requires someone different and something more, and life is simply making room.

So, as I am also learning to, just embrace your goodbyes, because every “Goodbye” you receive sets you up for an even better “Hello”.

There will be pain, there will be time lost, but anything strong and firm takes time to build, and truly, no pain, no gain

It is easier talking to a faceless crowd, coz doing a face to face hurts more. It is the ones with a face that hurt you most

Death is a fate I would not wish on myself or even my worst enemy. Funny thing is, what I feel now is a pain worse than that of losing a loved one to death. I put it out here coz its killing me inside, and I don't want to talk about it, not just yet, though some said it is best to share. And to answer the question...No, I am not OK. I hope to be, it is all I crave for.

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