Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Here is Evidence that LINDA MUTHAMA was Cheating. NYAMBANE Reveals the SMS. See them here

Linda and and Nyambane are no more as a couple. According to Linda, she was tired of being a 2nd wife (you can read the storyKenyan CELEBS who are MIPANGO YA KANDO). But it turns out that it was Linda who was actually cheating. According to SMS below, Linda has a clande who we are told is a son of a powerful politician from Central. Below are the SMS that Nyambadne shared from his ex wife's phone as evidence

Sweet I pick up, I am seatedinfront of the stage faced by 400 people
Why are you mteja...why cant i stop thinking about you...I cant imagine I really want to talk to you, then you phone is off. I am so sad...I really miss you

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