Sunday, January 25, 2015

Amazing Corruption in Our Counties. Did We Devolve Corruption? Nyamira County sets aside almost 1 Million to buy Ferries


It has been claimed severally that Kenya has the best Constitution in the world today. But today I beg to differ, you can have the best Constitution but if you have the worst leaders, then the piece of paper is as good as nothing. Take for example the following story....

According to GT, Nyamira county budgeted a whooping Ksh. 725,000 for the purchase of boats and ferries and an additional Ksh. 36,000 for its maintanance during the current fiancial year. The Nyamira finance minister has become the reflection of its failure orchestrated by John Nyagarama, the governor. It seems that soon we will start seeing more of the above photo in Nyamira county, GOSH!!!

It is however unclear whether the county assembly members approved the above expenses and why on earth a county with no lake/ocean or such big rivers could warrant corrupt officials to budget for boats and ferries.

I know many counties are suffering but we think that it is time we start prosecuting such individuals. 
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