Wednesday, January 28, 2015


The Kenyan Spy has learned from reliable sources that Kenyan Holywood actress Lupita Nyong'o has split with her Somali boyfriend K'Naan. The two former lovebirds have dated for about 1 year before Lupita decided to call if off (a chance for Kenyan men to take their girl now). The Kenyan Spy had about two days ago reported about Lupita Nyong'o and her woes (you can read it here Lupita Nyong'o Caught Pants Down. She has been cheating for too long. Click here to to see why)

According to the US Magazine, Lupita had split with K'Naan sometimes late last year and hence the reason why she was flirting with Jared Leto during the SAG party. The following is a script from US Magazine
The insider close to Nyong'o tells Us that the 12 Years a Slave actress was the one to break off her relationship from K'naan. Their split happened last year, the source adds.

The unattached actress was receptive to Leto's attention, following his lead as he "dragged her right to the dance floor."
You can see their chemistry here

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