Thursday, April 9, 2015

Here is President Uhuru Emotional Letter to the #GarissaAttack Victims Families. So Emotional

President Uhuru Kenyatta wrote an emotional letter which he signed personally and will be delivered to all the affected families of the Garissa attack. Here is the letter

The letter(s) reads:
I write to you with great pain and sadness hoping to share a few words of comfort and sympathy over the untimely death of your daughter, by the hands of terrorists. Miriam (one of the victims) was a young, productive person of great promise. She had every right to live and realise her dream in life, and you had every right to expect much from the sacrifice, love and support invested in her growth and development,” said the President “I write to you in humility to express my regret at the loss of your dearly beloved child. We share your pain. Accept my condolences and that of the entire country. I promise that as a Nation, we shall never forget them, nor forgive those who took her life,
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