Saturday, April 25, 2015


Husband from Hell...Or Wife from Hell is a popular saying to describe the mannerisms and character and general callousness displayed and exhibited by The Worst Spouses Ever! Hollywood has its fair share of Husbands from Hell....Men who married seemingly naive sweethearts and proceeded to batter them,browbeat them and put them through the worst time of their lives. Esther Arunga, Betty Bayo, Gloria Muliro, etc can relate to this.

Husbands who were sent by Satan...Cheating husbands,disloyal husbands and unscrupulous merchants of evil. And locally,we still have our own Devils who married our Angels...

1. Esther Arunga

Once one of the most promising TV stars Kenya ever had,Esther was dragged into a controversy that seems to never will end. Plucked from the media and hauled into some dubious Church with an equally dubious name,Esther was caught up in a Cult that sucked her up right into its bowels. Innocent,demure and harmless,Esther ended up cutting off her engagement to her fairly decent man to end up getting engaged-And Marrying-a pure devil complete with fangs and hunger for raw blood. The devil was one Quincy Timberlake. A self-confessed former Dark Society member and a man whose braggadocio and grammar betrayed absolute stupidity and emptyheadedness. Unbowed,Esther got married to the serpent and watched her life go down the drain. The Devil that was Quincy Timberlake exposed her to massive public humiliation,mental struggles,ridicule and social ostracization. They moved to Australia where life became even more horrific...And things got murkier when it was revealed that Quincy beat the daylights out of their child...beating him to death. Esther is now a Police guest in Australia. And tribulations seem to have found a permanent abode in her haunted home. Poor Girl.

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2. Namtero Mdee

Another Kenyan TV star with a fresh face and a reticent demeanor,,Namtero was at the peak of her career when some dubious crook from Tanzania named Hebron Kisamo approached her...lying to her that God had 'commanded Him' to marry her,thus luring her from a remunerative TV job to a marriage made in Hell. The Man was a fake,a con and a self-styled Prophet whose trade included fictitious miracles and creative prophecies. Namtero disappeared. For good. Married to a swindler. A fake. And a poser whose first wife had actually deserted him and fled their pathetic first marriage. And ONLY HER MOTHER attended the Wedding...which had actually been stopped at first by Arusha Police.

3. Betty Bayo

Her story has been told and re-told one too many times. No need to detail it further. She was this once-good Church girl singing feel-good Church songs...selling albums like hotcakes,winning awards and hearts all across the Country. And then she met the Devil, Pastor Kanyari. And her life,career ,music and allure crashed. Forever. It will take time before she rises again. And cleans up her past. And dirty memories.

4. Gloria Muliro

She is the finest Gospel artist in the Kenyan scene and indeed for all those who understand Swahili. She has had a number of top charting hits. But her choice of hubby was a big mistake, like many of us do. Erick Omba is the man. You know how these Congolese men come, lie to us ladies, make you think they will deliver heaven but alas!! They come with hell. Erick Omba was double dealing her with some church members. He used to deny her her rightful amount from her own music royalties but the supply the same with his hoes.

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