Friday, February 13, 2015

Here are some of the scenes that made Kenya to ban 50 SHADES OF GREY (PHOTOS & VIDEOS)

The Kenya Film Commission banned the much hyped 50 Shades of Grey and guess what, they think that because they have banned it, Kenyans aren't going to watch it. But if I can offer them free advice, they have made it even more famous and now more Kenyans are curious to watch this banned movie. Before you can lay your hands on it, here are some short clips that were obtained courtesy of MTO. Click here to view the clips and some photos

Here are some of the photos

Click these links if you are over 21 to view the short clips

My view is that who are they to watch the movie and ban it for other 'ordinary Kenyans?' They should simply ban it for the less 18 year olds.  Even President Uhuru's guys (dennis Itumbi & Co.) have indicated that they will watch it.

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