Saturday, January 24, 2015

#KOT's Best and Hilarious #NgiluSinghJokes

When Langata Primary school's playground was grabbed, the CS for lands had threatened to name the land grabbers and quit if the president pushed her too hard. However, after some deliberations, she named some Sikhs called Singh(s) as the alleged landgrabbers.

Related post: All the Funny Trending Photos Of Private Developer

However, Kenyans especially those on social media were not convinced that Ngilu had named the right grabbers. According to many people, the land was grabbed by some powerful Jubilee politicians and especially the owner(s) of Weston Hotel (that has been severally linked to DP Ruto). The #KOT brigade threw their tantrums at the blantant Ngilu lies.

Here are some of the most hilarious #NgiluSinghJokes

Every Kamba I Talk To Knows Helps, We Be MisSINGH Her Devt.s !!!

It's all fun and games till some of you start going miSIGNH for contributing on this TT

Who is MiSingh on Ngilus Private developers list ana aMAIZE

Q. What do you term as the act of spilling mursik from chebarbar A. misuSINGH

Q: Chamge! A: MiSingh

Kale Singh: a private developer from UaSingh Ngishu

Q: What do you call a LANDGRABBER on a tightrope? A: Balance Singh

Hehe RT : Q. How do you say you feel sleepy in swahili? A.Naskia uSINGHizi

This Sing will even take over our spouses and develope them privately if we are not careful.

CORD is oppoSingh CCK from issu-ingh ban on media licenSingh accuSingh them of accesSingh contents and reduSingh dem rights

": when the people you lead mock you, don't take you seriously - question your legitimacy as a government..."

BOOOM Creative mind here ": USingh an example, describe a " Haha...the answer is miSINGH from my brain
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