Monday, March 9, 2015

10 Things You Did Not Know About VAGINAS. #10 is a Shocker!!

1.The clitoris contains 8,000 nerve endings (the penis has only half that)
2. The average vagina is 3-4 inches long but can expand 200 times when aroused
3. Both vaginas and sharks have a self lubricating lubricant squalene
4. Public hair has life expectancy of only 3 weeks (then hair on your head has 7 years)
5. The highest number of orgasims achieved by a female in one hour is 134 (for a man is only 16)
6. The vagina has a self cleaning mechanism
7. The inner walls are pleated and open like an umbrella during coitus
8. The vagina is teeming up with bacteria some of which are found in yoghurt
9. The speculum, a tool used by gynacologists, was used as early as 1300 BC
10. The word vagina means sword holder (in Latin)

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