Monday, February 9, 2015

"Jacque Maribe is JUST a friend," Dennis Itumbi responds

After deep french kissing Citizen TVs Jacque Maribe at a private party, Dennis Itumbi, simply the president's blogger has denied romours that he is dating Jacque. Jacque was previously dating the ribcracking (no pun intended) comedian Erick Omondi and together they may have sired a baby. After he was snapped exchanging saliva with the TV reporter, Dennis denied and denied saying that they are just good friends and 'he was treating her good.' Find below his statement

Here is what he tweeted
@JacqueMaribe is my friend. I treasure,respect and value my friends. My friends know that.
I guess it is a good way to treat friends or is it FWB

You can read the previous story here
OPPORTUNIST: Itumbi Bounces on Erick Omondi's EX Jacque Maribe and they exchange fluids
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