Saturday, February 28, 2015

Find Out Why Teacher Wanjiku Was FIRED From RADIO JAMBO

Teacher Wanjiku seems to be that cick who looks good from far but she is actually far from good. Remember her days at Churchill Live, people used to love her but she didnt know that having her own show will bore guys to hell and only after her first episode at Citizen TV, her show was pulled off. She later landed a job at Radio Jambo but she was fired too soon too. Why?
It is alleged that her shows flopped badly and very few listeners were tuning in hence the reason for the axe. Why is this shiet happening to her?

Is it that because she snatched somebody's husband? Wanjiku is alleged to have snatched a fellow actor called Ber. Ber had a pregnant wife whom he left for this 'talented' actor and commedianne. Chunga karma can bite sometimes.

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