Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko's Consolation to POOR PEOPLE that were CHASED from KATHY KIUNA'S JCC Church

This story JCC Pastor Kathy Kiuna Warns Poor People: DON"T COME TO MY CHURCH has been trending in the local media for sometime this week after JCC owner's Kathy and husband Allan Kiuna warned poor people especially from Eastlando coming to their church.

However, man of the people Mike Sonko aka the Nairobi senator seems to have some consoling words to the poor people as captioned from his Facebook page

Watu wangu naskia mumefukuzwa Church zenu due to poverty don't worry tuko pamoja.Many Christian believers who invest years in their lives in what they do will one day stand before the Lord and realize they were building the house,not the Lord but sinking sand. Before we act,we must ask why?Why are we doing what we are doing?Has God called us to this task?Or is the real motive purely financial or otherwise or control"

Related Sonko is Truely A Man Of The People: Here is the LIMO he Provided FREE for all those Who Are Wedding. Who else can do that?

This guy knows how to get around suffering people. What do you think of Sonko; just a show off or he is truely a man of the people?

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