Saturday, May 23, 2015

KENYAN SUPERMARKETS MILKING KENYANS DRY cc Nakumatt, Tuskys, Naivas etc through bogus increase in prices

Kenyan supermarkets have been recently in the news for all the wrong reasons. They have perfected an art of stealing some amounts from Kenyans that if put together amounts to hundreds of millions. An example was last week's Nakumatt vague explanation for increasing the amount at the till than it is at the shelf. Click to read more

Several examples have surfaced to see how Kenyans are paying ffor some bogus prices. Above is an example of how Niavas has added Kshs. 100 for the price of Mega Clar Food Flask from Khs. 1,050 to 1,150.

See how Obama taps his wife's a$$. CRAHZY!!

Imagine countrywide we get about 100 flasks geting sold daily. So for 30 days, we have a total of 3000 flasks. Times the extra 100 shillings, Naivas are stealing a cool 300,000 from flasks alone. that is a whooping 9 million a year!! If you add all the other stuff they are selling at inflated prices, then you know why these guys are minting billions while Kenyans suffer.

We urge activists and influential bloggers like Nyakundi, XtianDela, Robert Alai and consumer bodies to come to Kenya's rescue. Itumbi and company should also raise an alarm and arrest these culprits.

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1 comment:

  1. Kwani lazima mtu anunue supermarket? Instead of just complaining people should try buying elsewhere whenever possible. If the customer numbers dwindle these guys will get their act in order


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