Saturday, April 11, 2015

"I am not a whore," Jacque Maribe

She has been linked to a number of different men including the president's right hand man and blogger Dennis Itumbi, Erick Omondi and other many people. The stories have been a bit nasty about her love life coz many assume that all these people are banging her. She has a kid with an unidentified man and maybe the reason. She has however come to rescue her image by telling her story.

This is what she wrote on her social media page

It's really interesting when people assume, I repeat, assume, they know your story!! Some of us have been through worse weather and come out stronger, some of us conceal our realities just for society sake... But I'm tired of all the bull, I'm tired of all the made up stories... It's time we be real... If you ain't walked a shit mile in my shoe nicca don't act like you know what I'm about, don't run your mouth like you know me when you don't... We be too quiet on em war instigators and rumour mongers for far too long, leave us be!! But hey, we stay peace loving citizens so don't nothing allowed to get us down
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