Thursday, March 19, 2015

Find Out Why the 100 Year Old GRANNY was Jailed

They say the law is an ass, how do you jail a 100 year old granny? Here are the 10 reasons why she was jailed....

  1. Ngima Gakoromo and her sons Njue Gakoromo, 70, and Angelo Gakoromo, 50, were sent to prison last week for contempt of court.
  2. All of this happened because they chose to ignore a court order to allocate a two-acre parcel to Justa Wawira who has been demanding a share of the family’s four acres.
  3. Wawira’s father lived on a part of the land and is said to have claimed a share before he died.
  4. The two families are not related and Wawira’s father is said to have leased part of the land.
  5. Which now apparently becomes his after having stayed there for 8 years (but isn’t that “somehow” stealing)
  6. While in court the Embu resident judge Florence Muchemi ordered the grandmother to pay a fine of Sh100,000 or spend three months in prison.
  7. She must have made this ruling with a “sinister” face because isn’t it a bit ironical for sending a granny to prison, for defending something that belongs to her, well technically.
  8. Njue and Angelo were each sentenced to six months in jail without the option of paying a fine.
  9. However Ngima could not raise the fine and was sent to prison.
  10. Muchemi said the three are guilty of court contempt for failing to obey an order to facilitate reverting the family land, which had been subdivided to various people, to its original state.
Credits: The Star

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