NTV journalist Dennis Okari did an expose about some fake degree that are churned out by the so many colleges (and Universities) that he christened #CertificatesOfDoom. Although the expose was just about one college, the motive behind the expose is unkown but that is the truth on the ground.
As always, #KOT ran to twitter either to tell us how they got the fake papers or how they think the fake papers are gotten. Here aresome of the illest tweets about Nairobi Aviation #CertificatesOfDoom
Its only in aviation where if you are not married and your sentence has alot of commas utapewa barchelor of commas... #CertificatesOfDoom
Miss the era when university and going to one meant something... nowadays it's a bunch of businesses run by hyenas... #CertificatesOfDoom
We are condemned to perpetual poverty due to our corrupt nature; no one does their job, everyone wants to make money #CertificatesOfDoom
LMFAAAOOOO *tears* "@Chai_knees: Pewa cert mbili za Cardiology. #CertificatesOfDoom "@Slyy_W: The heart wants what it wants.""
#OnlyAtNairobiAvitiation is where ukinyamba kwa class unapewa degree in Air Management 


#CertificatesOfDoom: Why the name aviation when you do not train pilots? Deception , right ?
Hahaha! "@antony_nduati: #CertificatesOfDoom Nrb Aviation ukisaidia lecturer kuchange wallpaper kwa fon yake unapewa dip in graphic design"
“@em_kinya: #CertificatesOfDoom has sent guys frm colleges in panic while in Moi Uni ths hw we used to study ” @olez
LMFAOOOO "@antony_nduati: #CertificatesOfDoom Nrb Aviation ukilipa fees na Mpesa unapewa diploma in banking"
Aeronautical Engineering students at #NairobiAviationCollege use Motorbike Engines for practicals
It takes less than 8 mins to kill a "Brand". That's how powerful media is. #CertificatesOfDoom
Aviation college unaweka phone yako 'airplane mode' unapewa degree in aviation. #CertificatesOfDoom
Nairobi Aviation is just a Zetech on Steroids #CertificatesOfDoom
"@Okello_F #OnlyAtNairobiAviation ukiplanstrike unapewa degreein Disaster Planning and Management #CertificatesOfDoom " cc @kat1sss
Ukilala class unapewa Bachelors in Hospitality and Hotel Management #OnlyAtNairobiAviation #CertificatesOfDoom
Unadump dame before Valentine's unapewa degree in financial management. #OnlyAtNairobiAviation
#OnlyAtNairobiAviation do animal molesters get a diploma in animal husbandry#INUKASeason7 @Joegachira
#OnlyAtNairobiAviation uki nose pick Unapewa Bachelor of surgery @xtiandela
#OnlyAtNairobiAviation Ati uki imitate Radio/TV Host Fulani unapewa Diploma In Broadcast Journalism
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