Monday, February 23, 2015

"Ulikataa nikule hizo vitu na vile nazimezea mate. Now i am employing another person...," JUJA MP Threatens a Woman Who Refused

The "Hounarable" MP for Jua Mr. Munyua Waititu apparently demanded to get into bed with one of the CDF employees called Susan Wambui. Susan is a married woman and with three kids. However, as most with other hourables, she demanded to hit it with the woman. The good woman refused and she was sacked through SMS.

Below are some of the SMSes that the 'hounarable' MP sent Susan
"Ulikataa nikule hizo vitu na vile nazimezea mate. Now i am employing another person on your behalf. Hii dunia kila kitu ni nipe nikupe. Ken will give you the other details on how to to clear from the office. Goodbye” sent on 23/10/2014
"I can see even you are supporting Kabogo’s brother on that nonsense he posted on Kalimoni group. I thought of paying you through CDF because I removed you from PSC through anger even CDF you will not get. Nowadays it is unipe nikupe my friend.Dont think Kangethe will take you anywhere. Try and see” sent on 31/10/2014
"The worst mistake can be if you are used by Kabogo fanatics to spoil my name. All secrets from my office should be left there or else you will regret”

The lady, known as Susan replied wito the text below
I like that sir, As you can see I have not replied to your messages since the first one. I would rather be jobless than leave my husband and be a mistress. You own Juja but you don’t own Kenya. The same God who made you an MP without sleeping with anyone is the same God who will bless me. Do me a favor and leave me alone. Employ the ones who will sleep with you all you want mimi apana. And on Facebook I have the right to comment to whoever i want.”

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