Thursday, February 26, 2015

"I am in Parliament courtesy of a fake certificate," Millie Mabona Odhiambo

Millie Odhiambo is always in the news, whether for the right or wrong reasons. Remember when her panty was removed in parliament? Now the ODM MP was threatened with being evicted from the Orange party because she did not toe the line in campaigning for Moses Kajwang during the by-elections. However, the hrad hitting MP sensetionally claimed that she will expose all the dirty in  the Orange party. She explained for example that she in Parliament due to a fake certificate she was given in the last General elcetions. Below are more exposes she made about Baba party that has shocked friend and foe

The more they threaten me the more I will expose the nonsense going on in ODM. For instance, I’m in Parliament today courtesy of a fake ODM nomination certificate”
It is high time the arrogant fellows in ODM realised that the D in ODM stands for Democratic, not Dictatorial. They are turning the party into the Orange Dictatorial Movement, and it is not going anywhere that way,”
The current dictatorship in ODM is the surest path to losing the 2017 general election.”
Shooting from the hip, Millie called the likes of ODM chairman 'diaper politicians adding
I will never quit ODM because I fear no one and I was in the party before most of those making noise. John Mbadi must learn how to behave. His irresponsible threat to expel people like me is nonsensical. I will expel him before he expels me,” she said.

Click here to see what Citizen TV's Lilian Muli was caught doing with Shabana Boss Jared N.

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